Tree Development surveys and consultancy is run by Tom Morrison BSc (Hons) Forestry, MArborA, and is a Midlands based company which continues the high level of professional tree surveys and consultancy that was the corner stone of Midland Tree Surgeons Ltd.
With over a decade of practical experience, which has been consolidated by a further 12 years of Arboricultural consultancy, Tree Development provides a comprehensive Arboricultural service, which is open and willing to discuss your tree needs.

Tom Morrison
Tree Development surveys and consultancy provides professional tree reports covering Health and Safety (Duty of Care) inspections of single or multiple trees, with detailed knowledge and experience of tree hazard assessment. The majority of surveys and inspections are carried out from ground level, however aerial inspection can also be undertaken. Tree work recommendations can be tailored to capture hazard and risk to people and property, as well as formative pruning works to benefit the tree; and are depending upon the objective of the survey. These recommendations are then sub-divided into priority codes which can be used to structure a program of works over a set period of time, being usually one to four years.
Where multiple tree surveys are undertaken, tree identification will use individually numbered metal tags or position plotted upon an aerial photo. Existing site plans that already show current trees can also be utilized. All survey quotes are based upon the number trees to be inspected.

BS 5837:2012
Tree Development also provides arboricultural surveys and reports for planning and development, as detailed in British Standard 5837:2012. This Standard is the corner stone of any planning application where development is proposed near trees, the Standard requires all trees that are located on the property to be included within the survey; for which the survey is divided into three parts:-

Pre-development survey – inventory of tree stock to detail tree constraints (roots and canopy), along with the assessment of tree value, for which the survey information is used as a design tool to inform site layout around retained trees. This survey element is undertaken prior to a planning application being submitted, as tree constraints must be considered during the planning/design phase.
A Tree Constraints Plan (TCP) is also required to be included with the Pre-development survey to detail the information provided from the survey. This drawing is usually produced with Computer Aided Design (CAD) and overlaid with the proposed development. Tree Development does not have the capability to use CAD or produce a TCP, though this can be outsourced, usually this drawing provision is provided by the architect of which Tree Development is happy to work closely with.
Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) – the assessment of one planning design and its impact upon retained trees, this document is specific to one planning proposal as any reworking or alteration of a site layout requires the AIA document to be re-written.
A Tree Protection Plan is also required to be produced with an AIA, to show tree removal and the position of the Tree Protection Barrier (TPP). Again this requires CAD, which Tree Development does not have the capability to provide, but will happy work closely with an architect to produce such.
Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) – Needed to detail any engineering methods to overcome tree constraints, this document is not always needed and depends upon the extent of development in proximity to trees.